Tuesday, January 19, 2010

How can my nails grow long and how long will it take for them to grow long?

How long is long? It could take monthsHow can my nails grow long and how long will it take for them to grow long?
push your cuticles back. depending on the person, it could take a few weeks for your nails to growHow can my nails grow long and how long will it take for them to grow long?
go to the drugstore and look for nail growing polish usually its clear
Usually about a good 6 months and you will see heathly nails, just keep em out your mouth.

try a nail stengthener and some cuticle cream, it will work.
Here are some good tips:

-Ultra Nourishair by GNC is really good, not only for hair but nails as well.

-Eat lots of jello which has gelatin in it which is good for the nails (you can opt for the Sugar Free is you are concerned about calories).

-Another option is Pre-Natal vitamins. They're not just for pregnant women- they're good because they have a lot of calcium, B12 and other nutrients for skin and nails.

-Be sure to moisturize your hands at lest 2x daily, massaging the moisturizer into your nails and cuticles. -A cuticle cream will help also.
eat lots and lots of jello.

Or eat Knoxx gelatin.
Knox gelatin is supposed to really help...(grocery store item). A lot of nail growth can be a D.N.A. thing to...just has you may have gotten your mom's hair, so will you inherit her nail growth. Keep them filed using an emery board and keep them strong with something like ';Sally Hansen's'; nail strengthener. Keep a good lotion on your hands @ all times and make sure you push your cuticles back. All of these little things combined should help somewhat....but again, find out first how your Mom handled hers.
Well i use a home treat ment by Sally Nails called Nail Repair and Growth. WHen i used it my nails grew in 4 days
Someone already asked this
try using a good cuticle oil regularly, look for one that contains jojoba (ho-ho-bah) oil, this oil can soak in through the nail to the nail bed, also make sure you apply it to the base of the nail as this is where the nail matrix ( where the nail is created) is located.

then look for a good nail strengthener, you need something that will not only make your nails thicker, but also keep them flexible to prevent breaking.

any filing or buffing you do beforehand will stimulate blood to the nail bed which provides the nail with oxygen and proteins which aid in faster nail growth.

just remember these 2 precautions:

- avoid exposing your nails to harmful chemicals (too much water can even be damaging)

-only file your nails in one direction (from inside to outside) any sawing away back and forth at your nails will only cause the layers of the nail to split and weaken.

i hope that helps! :)
depends on the person.
everyones nails, aswell as hair, grow at a different rate. some can take 3-4 days while other 2weeks
As long as it takes for the Chinese lady to glue them on, and if you want you can tell her what length, overall it should take about an hour.
i kno biting ur nails is a habit hard to get rid of. try to keep puttin on nail polish which will keep u from bitting ur nails. or try that stuff that makes ur nails grow. but remember it takes time and patience.
take prenatal vitamins also jello caps it depends on your own system how long it will take to grow them actually nail bitters nails grow faster than non nail bitters they just chew them off it's the stimulation pushing back cuticles everyday will help give them alot of stimulation
how long do you want them?? how fast do they grow?? it all depends
I find that my nails will grow well if I keep trimming them regularly. Sound crazy, but I swear it works. Also invest in a good hand cream like Kiehl's or L'Occitaine.
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