Sunday, January 17, 2010

Is it difficult to put in contact lenses if you have longer nails?

I want to get my nails done, but i'm scared they'll cause trouble getting my contacts in and out!?Is it difficult to put in contact lenses if you have longer nails?
I have trouble getting them off with long nails..I usually have to use both of my index fingers and kinda push the contact off my eye..getting them on is easy.Is it difficult to put in contact lenses if you have longer nails?
No I think you will be just have to make sure the contact is away from the actual tip of your finger, and try it more on the pads of your fingers....I find it easier that way in the first place.
not really.. i have long nails and wear contacts

just make sure your put your contact on the the direct middle of the fingerprint and put it in that way instead of the tip of your finger
no, i have long nails and i get my contacts out fine
lol ........cut the nails
yeah, it is.
well my friend just got her contacts and she has long nails, and i guess she pinches her contacts with them(her nails) and she quite often finds a big hole in the middle of her contacts, so she had to get different ones that are thicker, but im sure if your very careful with them they'll be fine
well i think its best you cut your might be easy to take them out but to put them in.good luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!
taking them out will be

but not putting them in =]
I get my nails done and have contacts it's not so much trouble putting them in but more picking them up out of the case and taking them out

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