I don't like having short short nails or really long nails because they interfere with my activities. I just like to keep them in the boundary between short and long. Plus, I play the violin so we have to keep them short, but I prefer whichever looks better and is easier. :D
SaraPoll: Any girls here like having your nails long or short?
I grow mine out bc I hate acrylic nails, but too long and they get in the way on the computer, so i guess you could say I'm a medium nail kinda girl. I only get them painted when I have time to go to the manicurist, so I generally wear them raw.
I don't fuss over my nails, never painted them or anything,
I just have them medium length, short, long whatever.
I like them short because I don't have to deal with them, but they have to be colored.
Long nails look better though, but they are such a pain!
I usually keep them short, but I got bored so I grew them longer and they make my hands look girlier. But I still like them short, easier to take care of.
I used to hate short nails because i always had long nails, but I clipped them and they feel fine. So I have no preference.
I don't like it when I can see my fingertips above my nails but I have acrylics quite often so there longer, but still a natural length. I hate short nails with a passion though.
I prefer mine longish if they're painted, cause it looks nicer. If I don't want to paint them I keep them short. And noooo fake nails!
I bite them, esh. Terrible habbit.
Short, Short, Short :)
I like the medium lenght not too long %26amp; not too short!
not to long but not to short.
short, when there long they get kind of annoying and ive scratched myself ounce or twice before with long nails
yep at the 2nd answerer. bad habit cause i do it too, so obviously, short nails for me.
short, easier to type, but I also love long because they are useful tools lol
but, honestly i hate long nails!
i cut them because it seems like when u dump, they would pile up under your nails! Ew.
I like short nail
But currently my nails are super long, i really have to cut them.
I chew them, and long nails are a hassle to me.
I keep them longer during poison-ivy season. I always seem to get it.
Short so I can type anserws here faster
Short with polish
medium ahha i hate short, but long is dirrttyyy
short, whenever i have long nails i either chip them or bit them off.
i like to have them both ways,but i always have them short%26lt;3
short cuz mine dont seem to like to grow
i like long nails, but i bite mine :(
i have long nails and i like them
short :)
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