Sunday, January 17, 2010

Why do filipino males grow their toe nails long?

I've never ever seen a Filipino guy with a long toe nails before. %26lt;*-*%26gt;Why do filipino males grow their toe nails long?
Never introduced to a toe nail clipper.Why do filipino males grow their toe nails long?
They don't have nail clippers!
Not all filipino males grow their toe nails long, but those who do might have arthritis, therefore they can't bend down to bite the blasted nail. Gets?
They are too lazy to have a pedicure.
not all filipino males grow their nails long
they like that way
I don't! masakit sa rubber shoes when you're exercising...
No, I'm not..
maybe they don't have nail clippers?
i dont think so. i rarely see guys with long toe nails.
Excuse me but I don't think Filipino men grow their toenails long. The decent ones, anyway. I think you may have met some who are the version of the hippies in the US of A who are not particular with cleanliness or personal hygiene.
Isn't it because those with a big beer belly can't bend down far enough to reach their toes?
They are ';Bacalas'; shemales !
They think it's manly.
Hi, mam lanie. how are you? the filipino males doesn't intend to let it grow long mam. sometimes, they forgot for they're busy with their work. sometimes their wife forgot to cut their nails. but mam lanie, it's not that long, really. thanks to you mam.
Lot of reasons:

1. They are lazy, how can you work at home if you got long nails.

2. They feel macho, but this is absolutely wrong!

3. They got a gay friend, and they started to be one of them too.

4. Again laziness, to cut there nails.

5. They hate computers, how can you use the keyboard if you got long nails.
Pardon me but where did you get that idea? We Filipinos

hate long nails.There is no belief,idea,status symbol or fashion trend that promotes long toe nails. yuck.Perhaps only a minority,because they dont have time to clip it,most of their time is devoted to earning a living. Economics! sir.
Because... I'm too sexy for my toenails.

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