Friday, January 15, 2010

How do i clip my puppy's nails, they are getting a bit long?

Hi. Thanks for taking the time to asnwer my question. I'm in a bit of a dilema right now. My puppy's (Cocker spaniel,3 months) nails are getting big, how do i clip them, i've never had a dog before. Thank You So muchHow do i clip my puppy's nails, they are getting a bit long?
The best thing to do when he is that little is to take him to the vet. Thats the safest way if you are unsure. Good luck with your little puppy. My mother in law has a cocker spaniel. If you have anymore questions don't be afraid to ask.How do i clip my puppy's nails, they are getting a bit long?
Take his paw and then take the clippers, clip.
IF you aren't sure how to do it or how much to cut, the vet will do it - some even do it for free. You have to be careful and not cut too much because it will hurt them and make them bleed. You can get special clippers for his nails at places like walmart and they come with instructions explaining where the quick is and how not to cut it.
clip them very gently!! BE SURE not to clip where the nail turns 'pink' it will make them bleed, possibly bleed to death.
there are nail clippers specially made for dogs..looks like a plier but it cuts nails, just put your dog nail in the hole and clip it. Just be sure to relax your dog , place your dog in your lap and get a good grip of the paw..My dog loves his nails being clipped..
The best thing for you to do is take your dog to a groomer and ASK them nicely to teach you how to clip your dogs nails. After they show you, then you will know how. You can ask them where you can get the clippers so you can do it yourself. If you aren't comfortable doing the nails yourself, you can bring your dog to the groomer or vet every few weeks and let them do it, for prob about $7-10 every time.
Cosult your vet. There are many nail cutters are available in the market.
They sell these dogs' nails clippers ... go to the nearest pet store.
Buy a nail cliping thingie at a pet store and take the pup's nail and clip it off... be carefull to not to clip too much or that might hurt...
there are special clippers available at PetSmart ect. they're pretty much dummy proof (you'll know when u see them) but dont clip too short, puppys nails have veins inside and they'll bleed
your welcome clip the toe nails like you would human nails acsept with more paeshints and care good luck!
you can't just clip off the dogs nails, there is a technique. if they are clear nails, you'll probably be alright to clip them. make sure you're gentle with your dog, or they'll resist. go to your local petsmart and buy a pair of nail clippers specifically for animals. on a clear nail, you can see the quick. you want to make sure to clip above the quick, which is usually alight to dark pink color. clip off what is white, but leave some there, or your dog will bleed. if it does so happen that your dog bleeds, there is something you can use called styptic powder, or in a pinch use some cornstarch. if the nails are all black, or you can't see the division between the nail and the quick, take the dog to a groomer. or if you don't feel comfortable, take him to the groomer. it's only about $5-10 and it takes no time at all.
If it's your first time...Take him to the vet or groomer and ask them to show you. It shouldn't cost more then $10.00 dollars. they can show how short you can go without injuring your baby dog.
have the vet show you or a groomer don't just go by what someone tells you... you need to be SHOWN how to do it. and how to train your puppy to let you do it!
You have to be very careful when clipping your dog's nails. If he will sit still and let you do it, it is cheaper than paying a groomer to do it for you. I take a handful of dog treats and when my dog lets me clip a couple I will give him a treat and tell him good dog. They make pet nail clippers but if not done correctly you can make the nails more jagged and cut the nail too deep. They have a quik in the middle of the nail that will bleed really bad if you cut too deeply. I bought a toe nail clipper and just snip the edges of the nail that starts to curl over. These are easier to use and you can see better how close you are to the quik. Like I said it is easiest for me when I am distracting him with treats.
Talk to him and make him feel very calm the whole time..A scary expierience now will make him afraid of those clippers the rest of his life.
The first thing you need is a pair of DOG clippers. Don't use a human pair or you could tear the nail. A dog's nail has a vein running through it called the quick. If your dog has light nails you should be able to see a red line running down the middle of the nail. Cut right after the line ends. Don't cut it or she'll bleed. If her nails are dark, you have to guess. Just cut a tiny bit off at the end where the nail has the curve. If you are nervous, take her to a groomer or vet and ask them to show you. And have some corn starch or a product called quick-stop to stop the bleeding if you cut her. Good luck! :)
use the clippers that look like scissors. You can see the change in color on the dogs nail. you want to cut the nail straight through (not at a angle.) you Will see a 1/4 moon shaped area under the nail, This is live tissue. You probably should observe a groomer cut your dogs nails before trying it yourself. You don't want to expose the dog to a bad experience. Nail clipping is very important for the dog. Improper clipping is like you wearing awkward shoes.You can however cause damage if you don't know what you are doing. You shouldn't clip nails unless you are confident in what you are doing and knowledgeable about the consequences.
You could take him to wherever you cut its hair and ask them to cut them for you.

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